Sharing a safe and friendly home in Tokyo & Kyoto, June 2021
Every month we welcome many students, interns, workers, researchers and foreigners of all paths of life looking for a safe and clean place to stay with an understandable and clear management.
Even though times are hard now, it is a pleasure for Sakura House to keep getting the support of all of you who decide to stay with us and share your experience of life in Tokyo and Kyoto. We continue to work hard to provide the most safe and secure accommodation at our Share House, Guest House and Apartment units.
June has been a month where we could meet some of the most friendly residents. We have had YouTube influencers, university students attending some of the most prestigious universities in Japan, artists, Japanese language students and foreign workers on their path of professional development.
On arrival, a small chat at our Shinjuku Lounge helps us get to know each of our residents and better mold our service to the needs of each individual. On their departure, we are always tearful to see them leave, but we are always glad to see so many smiles while waving goodbye.
We also continue to visit our properties regularly to disinfect the common areas and make sure everything is OK. Sometimes we are lucky to be able to meet again with some of the housemates, letting us share a small conversation and make sure that they are having a pleasant stay.
This month our staff was also kindly invited to share a meal with some of our residents. It is interesting to see and taste all the varied culinary delicacies that our residents can make.
In Kyoto, we had the wonderful surprise of getting the visit of one of our past residents. He stayed with us at the beginning of his journey and is now working hard to get his business running. It is always nice to see that we have helped many begin the foundation to their professional development.
As always, we continue to welcome all inquiries from those overseas looking to begin settling the plans of their trip to Japan.
If you are looking to travel this year, you can already secure your place to stay and get a full refund if you are affected by a sudden change in border restrictions or flight cancellations. Likewise, we have made our system flexible to easily re-schedule any travel plans during 2021.
For those looking to travel next year, a Pre-Reservation is a great way to start getting accommodation plans settled. You can read more about our rental services here: https://www.sakura-house.com/about/rent
If you are in doubt, you can always ask us to show you the room/apartment remotely online and live. This is also a great way to get your questions answered without delays. Make your Remote Room Viewing request here: https://www.sakura-house.com/contact/remote-room-viewing
We also have dedicated apartments for self-quarantine stays right after entering Japan. For the latest availability and prices, feel free to inquire with our multicultural staff.
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Nishi-Shinjuku K-1 Bldg. 2F
7-2-6 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku Tokyo, Japan
Postal code: 160-0023
Google map
- From Japan:
- 03-5330-5250
- From outside Japan:
- +81-3-5330-5250
- Mail:
- [email protected]
- Office hours:
- 8:50 am to 8:00 pm
We are open every day of the year.
- Tokyo time:
- 22:44