2022/07/01 (Fri) Staff Blog

SAKURA HOUSE during June of 2022

Summer arrived and with the heat of the days our hearts also continued to get warm thanks to all the marvelous foreign Japanese language students, interns, university students and work related travelers that stopped by our Shinjuku Lounge Office for their new life in Tokyo.

The border restrictions got relaxed further this month of June. Many had uncertainties, doubts and questions regarding their reservation for a Share House, Guest House dormitory or Apartment accommodation in both Tokyo and Kyoto, but our staff has continued to be at work everyday of the week (yes, including weekends) to promptly attend all inquiries and give the peace of mind that these times require.

But this is not all that we have been doing. Let’s look at a few of the things that have been going on through June of 2022 at Sakura House in Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan.


The more the merrier

With the ongoing situation worldwide, many look for a private accommodation, but this can turn out to be quite expensive. So what have some of out residents come up with? Reserving an Apartment, an entire floor in a Share House or even an entire Share House for themselves and their friends!
During our weekly cleaning and maintenance duties at our houses, we could come across some of the most friendly and lively groups of friends. It is so nice to see how they make our share houses a shared home.


The kindness of nature

With the hot days ahead, it is common to want to stay inside all day away from the scorching sun. But as much as this may appeal, going out offers a great chance to change a bit the atmosphere, stretch the body and get some fresh air. Thankfully, many of our Share House, Guest House dormitories and Apartment units are close to some of the most beautiful parks and green spots of the city.
We certainly took a time to stroll through them on our way to and from our accommodation options, and of course we shared them with you.
Make sure to follow us on social media to get all the special tips for your future life adventure in Tokyo and in Kyoto.

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Together under the sun

With the relaxed border restrictions for long term travelers (and some tourists) we had the pleasure to attend so many inquiries and welcome so many new faces, as well as a few ones we already knew.
The ongoing hot days make many of our residents spend more time indoors. In doing so, we got the chance to meet many of our residents while they were cooking, relaxing, studying or enjoying their time with other housemates. It is always so interesting and fun to get to know them more and share comments and experiences of life in Japan, events, curiosities and even recipes.


Getting ready for autumn and beyond

Unfortunately, as many could not come to Japan during this summer season, their eyes are now focused on autumn, winter and even spring of 2023. For all of them, we continue to make sure we show you some of our latest available rooms, what changes have been made, what are their features and what kind of travelers have enjoyed it more.
For all of those looking to begin the first step of their stay by the end of this year, you can already do so!
Click below to complete a Pre-Reservation, cover the deposit fee in advance (fully refundable if cancelled) and leave everything ready for your final reservation later on.


30 years in a flash

SAKURA HOUSE residents checking in at SAKURA HOUSE Shinjuku Lounge

Just by the end of the month, the local news of Japan Times released an article about the 30 years anniversary of SAKURA HOUSE. Read all about it here.
We can not be thankful enough to all the support that each of our residents have provided us throughout these long trajectory, and are a little surprised as to how fast it passed!
With the same mindset as 30 years ago, but with much more knowledge, we continue to be welcoming travelers from all backgrounds and purposes in Japan. Not only to provide a friendly, convenient and comfortable environment to live in, but also the support and assistance they may need to confidently know that their home in Japan is waiting for them.

If you are also looking to secure your Apartment, Share House private bedroom or Guest House dormitory stay, get in touch with our multilingual staff and lets begin together the arrangements for your stay!




    NUMABUKURO C (Former Numabukuro 3)





    Male Only


    SHINJUKU AKEBONOBASHI B (Former Akebonobashi 5)


    ITABASHI-KU HASUNE "Aloe Heights"




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